calcium supplements myths and facts

Calcium Supplements: Myth vs Facts


Calcium is an important mineral essential for many bodily functions, especially for maintaining healthy and strong bones. Though bones help us keep moving, their health is taken for granted by many, leading to degraded bone health. To compensate for their lack of a balanced diet, they switch to supplements. However, not everyone is able to make the switch because of certain myths that surround calcium supplements. Busting such myths is important to ensure that everyone is able to replenish their bone health without any fear of side effects. In this blog, we will do a fact-check regarding myths, explore the benefits of calcium, and explain how to incorporate this essential nutrient into your daily diet. 

Understanding Calcium Deficiency 

The deficiency of Calcium is called hypocalcemia. It occurs when the amount of calcium in the blood is insufficient. The lack of calcium can lead to problems like weakened bones, osteoporosis and an increased risk of fractures. Some symptoms associated with calcium deficiency are muscle cramps, numbness, tingling in fingers, as well as fatigue.

 There are many reasons that can cause an insufficiency of calcium in the body. Some of them are an unbalanced diet, less calcium absorption due to digestive issues, and certain medications that affect calcium metabolism. 

Exploring Calcium Supplements 

These are available in different forms, including calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium gluconate, and calcium lactate. Each type has different absorption rates and is suitable for different individuals, depending on their needs. 

Calcium Carbonate

The most common and affordable one out there. It is best absorbed when taken with food. 

Calcium Citrate

This one is easier to absorb and can be taken with or without food. That's why it is good for people with low stomach acids. 

Calcium Gluconate and Calcium Lactate

These are less common on the market. They can be used by individuals with specific health conditions. 

 When choosing the best calcium supplement, it is important to consider your body’s condition and adaptation skills. If the right amount or right one is not taken, it may not reap effective results. 

Unveiling health myths surrounding calcium supplements 

 Over the years, many health myths have circulated among people, causing confusion and misconceptions. Let's bust these myths to clear the air around these supplements.

 Myth 1: Calcium Supplements are only for women

As humans, we all have bones, so it would be foolish of us to even believe this one. Yes, women do need these more after menopause, but men also need a proper supply of calcium to reduce the risk of bone-related issues.

 Myth 2: More Calcium means stronger bones

Excessive consumption of these supplements doesn't ensure good calcium levels. Body can absorb only a specific amount. Also, excess of anything is harmful for our body. 

 Myth 3: All supplements are the same

We already discussed above that there are different types of calcium, and all of them have different absorption rates. Those variants are enough to debunk this myth.

 Myth 4: These supplements cause heart disease 

Some research has shown that there's a potential link between these health supplements and heart disease. Though a definitive answer has yet to be released.

 Just remember that it's not good to rely on myths, it's your body, and you know it the best. Just ask your doctor and do what's best for your body. 

Fact-checking: Supplementing your knowledge 

 To ensure that you are consuming the right amount of calcium, it's important to understand supplement facts and benefits. 

 Fact 1: Calcium is essential for bone health

It is an important component of our bone tissue. Adequate consumption ensures good bone density and strength. It reduces the risk of bone related problems. 

 Fact 2: Calcium supports other bodily functions 

It is not just a friend to bones, but it works for a greater good. It also plays a vital role in muscle function, nerve transmission, blood clotting, and hormone secretion. 

 Fact 3: Vitamin D enhances calcium absorption 

If you want to maintain your calcium levels, you must also get proper vitamin D. This vitamin helps in the absorption of calcium.

 Fact 4: Balanced diet over supplements if possible 

While it's easier to balance calcium levels by using supplements, nothing can beat a balanced diet. Rely on supplements only when your diet is not sufficient.

calcium foods

Incorporating calcium into a balanced diet

 Balancing calcium intake is important if you want to strengthen your bones. This can be achieved by including calcium-rich foods in your daily meals.

 Dairy Products 

Milk, cheese, and yoghurt are rich in calcium. Also, remember to choose low-fat or fat-free options to reduce saturated fat intake. 

 Leafy Greens

Greens like kale, broccoli, and bok choy have a good amount of calcium. Make stir-fries, or smoothies with them, and you are good to go. 

 Fortified Foods

Many food items, such as orange juice, cereals, plant based milk, etc., are fortified with calcium. You can also consume these after checking their labels.

 Nuts and Seeds

Almonds, chia seeds, and sesame seeds are great sources of calcium. You can add them to smoothies, oats, cornflakes, cookies, etc. to make your meal tastier and healthier.


Canned fish, such as salmon and sardines, provide a good amount of calcium. 

Strategies for improving bone health 

There’s more to bone health than just calcium. Here are some bone health tips you must follow to strengthen your bones. 

 Move your body

Weight-bearing and resistance exercises such as walking, jogging, and strength training can increase bone density.

 Shut doors to smoking and drinking

Smoking and drinking can affect the bones negatively and reduce bone density. Even if you are an occasional smoker or drinker, just ditch both of them today. Occasional euphoria is not greater than your health. 

 Let the sun rays replenish you

Ensure adequate vitamin D levels so that calcium is absorbed properly.

Health Weight 

Maintaining weight reduces stress on bones and joints. It ensures fewer chances of fractures and bone loss.


Calcium supplements are a game changer when it comes to managing calcium deficiency. If you want to reap benefits of these health supplements, you need to look beyond the myths and explore the facts. Talk to your doctors and dietitians to make informed choices. Along with the intake of supplements, you must also focus on elevating your lifestyle to achieve your healthy body goals. Choose Divine Nutrition’s supplements for your calcium needs, and watch your body evolve into a better one. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How do I choose the best calcium supplement for my needs?

Take your dietary needs and body condition into consideration before opting for a supplement. Also, make sure to consult an expert before making a choice. 

 Q2. Are there any risks or side effects associated with calcium supplements?

Risks like kidney stones, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal discomfort, etc. are associated with supplements. But they happen only if you consume excess doses.

 Q3. What are some common myths about calcium supplements, and what is the truth behind them?

One of the most common myths is that these supplements are only for women. But it's not true, it's for everyone who wants to strengthen their bones.

 Q4. Can I get enough calcium from my diet alone, or do I need supplements?

Yes, you can get enough calcium from your diet alone, given that you are consuming a balanced diet. If your calcium needs are not met by your diet, you can go for supplements. 

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