Types of Protein

What are proteins and why are they essential for your growth?


As kids, we were all advised to eat protein rich foods as they are the building blocks of life, and they are called so for many good reasons. These complex molecules play a very significant role in almost all processes that take place inside our precious bodies. From supporting the immune system to boosting muscle recovery rates to maintaining our overall health, they are working for our body in every way possible. In this blog post, we will explore different sources of protein, the importance of protein, the role of protein supplements, and much more. Stay with us till the end and learn with us.

Understanding muscle repair and recovery 

When we indulge in physical activities of any form, be they mild or intense, the possibility of muscle tears is always there. This is a normal part of every physically active person's life, as the body's response to this damage is what makes the muscles grow. But one can't keep bearing the pain to grow, at that point, protein lends a helping hand. 

 Protein plays a pivotal role in repairing and recovering our torn muscles. After a workout, the body utilizes amino acids released by our dietary proteins to mend the damaged muscle fibers. This process, known as muscle protein synthesis, helps in growing, rebuilding, and strengthening muscles. It is important to consume high-calorie, high-protein foods to ensure that our muscles don't face any issues during their recovery time. 

Exploring Protein Sources

When it comes to sources of protein, there are two types that must be explored. These two types are: animal-based and plant-based. 

 Animal-based proteins

These are called complete proteins because they contain all nine essential amino acids that the body is not capable of producing. Common sources include:

 Meat: Chicken, Pork, Lamb, Duck, Turkey, Fish, Crab, Tuna, Shrimp etc.

 Dairy Products: Milk, cheese, yogurt, paneer

 Plant Based Proteins 

These are often referred to as incomplete proteins because they lack one or two of the essential amino acids. But that absence can be compensated by combining different plant based sources. Some common sources are: 

 Legumes: Chickpeas, beans, lentils and peas

 Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds and flax seeds

 Whole Grains: Quinoa, Brown rice, oats and barley

 Vegetables: Spinach, Kale, Broccoli etc.

Different Types of Protein Powders 

 The use of a protein powder is a convenient way to supplement protein intake, especially for people who need extra protein, like athletes and bodybuilders. There are different types, each with its own set of benefits. Let's explore: 

 Whey Protein 

This is derived from milk and is a complete protein. It is absorbed easily and provides the essential amino acids to the body quickly. It is rich in branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), which are crucial for muscle growth and recovery. Due to its fast absorption rate, it is recommended post-workout. 



 Casein Protein 

Like whey, this is also derived from milk. Its absorption rate is slower than that of whey. It is great if one wants sustained protein release during bedtime. 

 Soy Protein 

It is a complete plant-based protein. People who lead a vegan lifestyle can opt for plant protein powder like this. It has all the essential amino acids. It is known for its cardiovascular benefits.

 Pea Protein 

It is also a plant-based protein. It is made from yellow split peas. It is easily digested and hypoallergenic, making it a great option for those following dietary restrictions or facing allergic issues. 

 Hemp Protein 

It is derived from hemp seeds and contains all essential amino acids. It is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fibre, which provides additional benefits. 

Protein Supplements For Muscle Building 

 Supplements are widely used by athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and bodybuilders to support muscle growth. Here are some key benefits of using protein supplements for muscle building: 


It is an easy way to fulfill your protein needs. Muscle protein powder is great for people with a busy lifestyle. They can be easily incorporated into your diet in the form of shakes or smoothies. 

Enhanced Muscle Recovery

Consuming protein after a workout can help build muscles. One can choose the best protein powder for building muscle available on the market, like Divine Nutrition, to speed up the rate of muscle building.  

Improved Muscle Mass 

A balanced amount of protein is necessary for muscle hypertrophy. Protein supplements in the form of protein shakes, tasty recipes, etc. can make the overall muscle mass gaining process more enjoyable.

Weight Management 

Proteins promote satiety, which can help in maintaining weight. One can gain or lose weight as per their needs with the use of proteins. As it makes you feel fuller soon, just a protein bar will be enough for you during your weight loss journey. 

Tips for effective muscle repair and recovery 

Timely protein intake

You must prioritize your protein intake to elevate the muscle building process. Aim for a balanced diet, and if not possible, take your supplements on time. 

Post-workout nutrition 

Consume a protein-rich meal after a workout. It should be done within 30 minutes to an hour after your workout to kickstart the muscle building process. 

Prioritize Hydration

Staying hydrated is important to ensure that your overall health and muscle recovery are balanced. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. If you can't seem to manage your proper intake of water, always set an alarm for your water breaks.

Get your beauty sleep

We all know how important sleep is to keep our bodies moving. You must make sure to get at least 8–9 hours of sleep. 

Take your rest days

Don't be in a hurry, or your hard work will go to waste. Give your muscles enough rest so that they can heal properly. Remember that muscles build better when they are given the proper time to recover.

Stretching and Foam Rolling

Indulging in stretching and Foam Rolling sessions can help reduce muscle soreness and promote muscle relaxation. 


Like we mentioned in the introduction, proteins are the building blocks of our body, so they must be consumed well. They are indispensable for maintaining good health and supporting various bodily processes. It is important to understand that proteins are not something that you can ignore. Either take a balanced diet or protein supplements to ensure that you are not compromising with your health in any way. Furthermore, it is essential for athletes and gym enthusiasts to take more protein than an average person, as they need to build muscles as well as repair them. You can always add Divine Nutrition protein supplements to your diet and get a proper supply of proteins for your overall well being and muscles. We understand how important your fitness goals are, that's why we are here to aid you. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What are some protein-rich foods that aid in muscle building?

Some protein rich foods that help with muscle building are chicken, turkey, salmon, tuna, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds and soya products. These foods provide essential amino acids required for muscle repair and growth.  

Q2. How do protein shakes help in muscle recovery, and when should they be consumed?

Protein shakes aid in muscle recovery by providing easily digestible proteins and amino acids to the body. You can opt for Divine Nutrition protein supplements and support your muscles with the best. 

Q3. How can I balance my protein intake with exercise to support muscle repair?

In order to support muscle repair, you must take 0.6–0.9 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily. Spread out your protein intake across meals and add a protein supplement to your diet for better results. 

Q4. What role does hydration play in muscle recovery, and how much water should I drink for optimal muscle health?

It is important to stay hydrated, as it is important for muscle recovery. It facilitates nutrient transport, toxin removal, and cellular function. Don't wait to feel thirsty, set a reminder and drink accordingly. 

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